Index C

CENTAUR : Information about the Centaur race.
CHANGE SEX : Free pr0n!!! teeheehee!!!111!!1
CHARM : Point to charm helpfiles
CHECKNAME : Checks a player name against the bad name list.
CLS : Clears the screen
CM-Advert : Clan Management: Advertising
CM-CDEF-1Guard : Clan Defense Upgrades: Level 1 Guard Stats
CM-CDEF-230Guard : Clan Defense Upgrades: Level 230 Guard Specs.
CM-CDEF-Buffer : Clan Defense Upgrades: Buffer Rooms
CM-CDEF-Customexit : Clan Defense Upgrades: Custom Watchtower Exits
CM-CDEF-Exits : Clan Defense Upgrades: Maze Exits
CM-CDEF-Index : Help Index for the Clan Defense Upgrade Files
CM-CDEF-Info : Clan Defense Upgrades: General Information
CM-CDEF-Keys : Clan Defense Upgrades: Keys
CM-CDEF-Maze : Clan Defense Upgrades: Maze Rooms
CM-CDEF-Mazelocs : Clan Defense: Maze Locations
CM-CDEF-Mobs : Clan Defense Upgrades: Mobs
CM-CDEF-Objects : Clan Defense Upgrades: Objects Index
CM-CDEF-Portals : Clan Defense Upgrades: Portals
CM-CDEF-Prison : Clan Defense Upgrades: Prison Traps
CM-CDEF-Resets : Clan Defense Upgrades: General Information
CM-CDEF-Rooms : Clan Defense Upgrades: Rooms
CM-CDEF-Summary : A summary of clan maze help files.
CM-CDEF-Walkthrough : Clan Defense: Walkthrough Rules
CM-CDEF-Watchtower : Clan Defense Upgrades: Watchtower Rooms
CM-CH-Exits : Closed Hall Upgrades: Exits
CM-CH-Glossary : Closed Hall Upgrades: Glossary
CM-CH-Healer : Closed Hall Upgrades: Healers
CM-CH-Index : Help Index for the Closed Hall Files
CM-CH-Mobs : Closed Hall Upgrades: Mobs
CM-CH-Punchbag : Closed Hall Upgrades: Punching Bag Mobs
CM-CH-Questor : Close Hall Upgrades: Questor
CM-CH-Rooms : Closed Hall Upgrades: Rooms
CM-CH-Rules : Close Hall Updrades: General Rules
CM-CH-Shopkeeper : Closed Hall Upgrades: Shopkeepers
CM-CH-Shops : Closed Hall Upgrades: Shops
CM-CH-Trainer : Closed Hall Upgrades: Trainers
CM-ClanMergeNote : Sample note to be used for clan merge.
CM-Clanadmin : Clan information/management command.
CM-Clanallies : Overview of the clan alliance system.
CM-Clandisband : Policies for struggling clans.
CM-Claninfo : Clan Management: Claninfo Changes
CM-Leadercommands : List of clan leader commands.
CM-Clanleaders : Policies/information regarding clan leadership.
CM-Clanmerge : Protocol for merging two clans.
CM-Clanmotd : Information on the clan message of the day.
CM-Clanspying : Details on the 'clan spying' code.
CM-Clantrans : Transporters (portals) for clan members.
CM-EQ-Affects : Clan Equipment: Affects
CM-EQ-Armor : Clan Equipment: Armor (Type)
CM-EQ-Armorbase : Clan Equipment: Armor Base Points
CM-EQ-Boats : Clan Equipment: Boats
CM-EQ-Campfires : Clan Equipment: Campfires
CM-EQ-Clanremove : Policy regarding removal of clan equipment.
CM-EQ-Containers : Clan Equipment: Containers
CM-EQ-Costinshop : Clan Equipment: Cost In Shop Table
CM-EQ-Drinkcontainer: Clan Equipment: Drink Containers
CM-EQ-Dual : Clan Equipment: Dual Wear Limits
CM-EQ-Extrastat : Clan Equipment: Closed Clan Extra Stat
CM-EQ-Flags : Clan Equipment: Flag Costs
CM-EQ-Food : Clan Equipment: Food
CM-EQ-Fountains : Clan Equipment: Fountains
CM-EQ-Furniture : Clan Equipment: Furniture
CM-EQ-Illegalspells : Clan Equipment: Illegal Spells
CM-EQ-Index : Help Index for the Clan Equipment Files
CM-EQ-Info : Clan Equipment: General Information
CM-EQ-Lights : Clan Equipment: Lights
CM-EQ-Liquids : Clan Equipment: Liquid Types
CM-EQ-Move : Cost to move stores and max number of resets.
CM-EQ-Negatives : Clan Equipment: Negative Affects
CM-EQ-Pills : Clan Equipment: Pills
CM-EQ-Portals : Clan Equipment: Portals
CM-EQ-Potions : Clan Equipment: Potions
CM-EQ-Publicequip : Clan Equipment: Public Hall Equipment
CM-EQ-Scrolls : Clan Equipment: Scrolls
CM-EQ-Single : Clan Equipment: Single Wear Limits
CM-EQ-Staves : Clan Equipment: Staves
CM-EQ-Strings : Guide to understanding the different types of descripti
CM-EQ-Tier : Clan Equipment: Tier EQ Rules
CM-EQ-Treasure : Clan Equipment: Treasure
CM-EQ-Types : Clan Equipment: Object Types Index
CM-EQ-Wands : Clan Equipment: Wands
CM-EQ-Weapondice : Clan Equipment: Weapons - Dice
CM-EQ-Weaponextra : Clan Equipment: Weapons - Extra Information
CM-EQ-Weapons : Clan Equipment: Weapons
CM-Goldtransfer : Clan Management: Transferring gold to another clan
CM-Index : Help Index for the Clan Management Files
CM-Infomsg : Clan Management: Info Messages
CM-Leaders : Clan Management: Leader Changes
CM-PH-EXITS : Public Hall Upgrades: Exits
CM-PH-GLOSSARY : Public Hall Upgrades: Glossary
CM-PH-HEALER : Public Hall Upgrades: Healers
CM-PH-Index : Help Index for the Public Hall Files
CM-PH-MOBS : Public Hall Upgrades: Mobs
CM-PH-PUNCHBAG : Public Hall Upgrades: Punching Bag Mobs
CM-PH-QUESTOR : Public Hall Upgrades: Questor
CM-PH-ROOMS : Public Hall Upgrades: Rooms
CM-PH-RULES : Public Hall Upgrades: General Rules
CM-PH-SHOPKEEPER : Public Hall Upgrades: Shopkeepers
CM-PH-SHOPS : Public Hall Upgrades: Shops
CM-PH-TRAINER : Public Hall Upgrades: Trainers
CM-Records : Clan Management: Record Rooms
CM-Skills : Clan Management: Clan Skills
CM-Vnum : Clan Management: Vnum/Key Allocation
CM-Voteadmin : Information on managing your voting booths
CM-Voting : Clan Management: Voting Booth Management
CON : Your character's overall hardiness.
CONDUCT : Expected conduct while on Aardwolf.
CONSIDER : Gives a rough estimate of target's overall strength.
CONSUME : Vampries' ability to feed on corpses for restoration.
COUNT : Shows number of visible players currently online.
CP : Redirect for possible choices.
CPBOT : Information to help campaign bots.
CR : How to find assistance getting back to your corpse.
CREATE FOOD : Magic used to create food while out in the wild.
CREATE SOUND : Say what you like, someone else will get the blame!
CREATE WATER : Magically create water while out in the wild.
CREDITS : Hail the original Diku mud creators
Cabal : Information about the Cabal clan.
Calculation : Work the odds for better results.
Call Lightning : A spell that calls down lightning on your foe.
Call Upon Faith : Temporarily become a champion of your god.
Call of Heroes : Information on the area Call of Heroes.
Calliopes Song : Bard clan skill to lure a mob towards the singer.
Camouflage : Rangers' ability to avoid combat attacks.
Camp : Create a tent and fire for nights out in the wild.
Campaign Rules : Rules dealing specifically with campaigns.
Campaigns : Long-term, multi-target quests with higher rewards.
Cancellation : Cancels magical affects on an ally or yourself.
Cannibalize : Allows psionicists to exchange hit points for mana.
Canyon Memorial Hosp: Information on the area Canyon Memorial Hospital.
Captain-General Alaz: Titular head of the Warriors' Guild.
Card games : Help on using playing cards found around Andolor.
Carnivale : The Olde Worlde Carnivale.
Cast : How to use magical spells on Aardwolf.
Cataclysm : The Cataclysm- a trip into past conflict.
Cause Critical : Causes serious damage to the victim.
Cause Decay : Decays a victim's flesh severely damaging them.
Cause Light : Causes minor damage to its victim.
Cause Serious : Causes serious damage to the victim.
Caustic Rain : Transforms a gentle rain into biting, caustic acid.
Cell Adjustment : Atomic level cell adjustment to remove poison/curses.
Cell Potential : Venomist ability to increase resilience.
Censored Words : Aardwolf position on controversial words.
Chakra : Information about the area 'Chakra Spire'
Chameleon Power : Allows the caster to blend with their surroundings.
Champions Strength : Temporarily become a champion of your god.
Changing Flag : A changing weapon inflicts random damage types
Channel Energy : Focuses the psionicist's energy into accuracy and power
Channels : List of channels available on Aardwolf.
Chaos : Information about the chaos clan.
Chaos Portal : Tap into chaos itself to form random portals.
Chaos Portal Types : The differences in types of chaos portals.
Chaprenulas : Information on the area Chaprenula's Laboratory.
Charge : Allows user to charge into a room, hurting all present.
Chariot of Sustarre : Powerful transport spell with mgical component.
Charm Person : Charms the victim to become one of your minions.
Chasm and Catacombs : Information on the area The Chasm and The Catacombs.
Chessboard : Information on the Chessboard area.
Childs play : Information on the area Childs Play.
Chill Touch : Chills your victim and reduces their strength.
Christmas Vacation : Information on area Christmas Vacation
Circle : Maneuver behind opponent for an additional attack.
Clan Skills : Clan-specific abilities.
Clan Special Events : Imm sponsored clan special events.
Clandonate : Allows you to donate gold to your clan.
Claninfo : Will give information on clan related details.
Clanobjchanges : Rules regarding changing existing clan objects.
Clanqpdonate : Allows you to donate Quest Points to your clan.
Clans : Aardwolf's themed mini-communities.
Clantags : Toggle display of clan logos in who / gclan channel.
Clantalk : In-clan communication.
Class Channels : Class-specific conversation channels.
Class Stats : Class-based recommendations for training stats.
Classchange : Changes your primary class.
Classes : List of Aardwolf Classes
ClassesVI : List of Aardwolf Classes - VI Version
Cleansing : Purges the caster of impurities and ill affects.
Clear : Removes player-set fields (and raided item flag).
Cleave : Cleaves the victim's shield in two!
Cleric : Information about the cleric class.
Client FAQ : Questions about popular MUD client issues
Client Parsing : Characters parsed in special ways by MUD clients
ClientUpdate : Information about the r2218 client update.
Clients : Data about connected players.
Clist : Will give a listing of the clans in Aardwolf.
Cobra Bane : Uses deadly cobra poison to strike your foe.
Colors : Syntax to add color to parts of Aardwolf.
Colorset : Changing channel/other output colors.
Colour Spray : Magical spray of colours using against its victim.
Combat : Allows you to enter a War.
Combat Empathy : Learn more from your opponent during combat.
Combat Maze : Kill other players without those annoying death penalti
Combat Mind : Grants a very keen understanding of battle tactics.
Command : Magically commands a mob to carry out an order.
Commands : Displays a list of all commands available to you.
Compact : Removes spaces between concurrent lines.
Compare : Information about the inventory score and compare syste
Comprehension : Information about the clanskill 'comprehension'
Compression : Compresses the psi's body, enhancing resistances.
Conceal : Conceals an items aura from magical location.
Condemn : Binds the enemy's soul to darkness.
Cone of Cold : Blasts forth a cone of freezing air at the target.
Config : Various configuration options for your character.
Confiscate : Details regarding return of owned equipment.
Conjure Elemental : Use various components to enlist the elements.
Consent : Allows a specific person to loot your corpse.
Containers : Properties of item containers on Aardwolf.
Contents : Breakdown of help files by category.
Continents : Background on the new continent system.
Continual Light : Creates a magical ball of light to guide the way.
Control Flames : Use flame from light source to strike down a victim.
Contsw : No longer necessary- see 'help speedwalk'.
Coordinates : Find your location on a continent.
Coral Kingdom : Information on the Coral Kingdom.
Corin Au-Aina Onoro : A society of devout paladins.
Corpses : Special attributes of corpses and equipment on them.
Corrupt : Baal Clan skill to pervert their enemies.
Cougarian Queendom : The Cougarian Queendom.
Council of the Wyrm : Information on the area The Council of the Wyrm.
Council of the Wyrm - 2 : Information on the area The Council of the Wyrm.
Counter Strike : Counter-strike after a successful parry.
Cracks of Terra : Information on the 'Cracks of Terra' goal.
Cradlebrook : Information on the area Cradlebrook.
Craft : Amazon V1 clan skill.
Crafter : Information about the Crafter subclass.
Create Holy Symbol : Create a magical holy symbol that will help in combat.
Create Poultice : Creates an infusion of beneficial herbs.
Creators Wisdom : An Imm-only spellup spell.
Crimson : Information on the Crimson Horde clan.
CritHits : Information on Hitroll based critical hits
Crusader : Information on the Crusaders clan.
Crusader-Joining : Information on joining Crusaders clan.
Crynns Church : Information on the Crynn's Church area.
Cure Blindness : Healing power used to restore a victim's sight.
Cure Critical : Heals a high amount of wounds.
Cure Disease : The power of the Gods to burn the illness from a person
Cure Epidemic : Cures a roomful of diseased urchins.
Cure Light : Heals a small amount of wounds.
Cure Poison : Healing power used to cure some types of poison.
Cure Serious : Heals a moderate amount of wounds.
Cure Weakness : Information on cure for the 'weakness' spell.
Curse : Forsakes a player from their deity, with negative impac
Curse Item : Bonds items to you using a magical curse.
Curse of Sloth : Information on the Witch spell, Curse of Sloth
Cyclone : Captures the enemy in a furious wind of death
character sheet : Information on your character.
checklength : Command to check the length of an input string
current games : List of current Imm-run games.