
 Help Keywords : CM-Advert.
 Help Category : Clan Management.
 Related Helps : CM-Index.
 Last Updated  : 2020-03-25 20:00:23.
 Clan Management: Advertising

 The following prices apply to various advertising and "Public Relations"
 available to clans.

 MG 2.1   Public Announcement for the clan                         500k
       - Max length is 80 characters.
       - Must include the name of the clan purchasing it.
       - Contact an imm at time of purchase.
 MG 2.2   Clan-sponsored Global Restore                           300qp
       - Subject to limitations in 'help restore'.
       - Contact an Imm at time of purchase.
 MG 2.3   Provide a Trivia Point reward to a player               150qp
       - Requires Imm approval, for special events/festivals only.
       - Cost is per trivia point, no additional fees.
 MG 2.4   Provide Gold and/or Quest Point rewards to a player  <Amount> + 10% (Tax)
       - Requires Imm approval, for special events/festivals only.
       - Cost is a 10% tax of the amount being rewarded.
       - Rewards cannot go to members of host clan, or their alts.