
 Help Keywords : CM-CH-Rooms.
 Help Category : Closed Halls.
 Related Helps : CH-Index.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:48:28.
 Closed Halls: Rooms

 CH 1.0  Add New Main Hall Room                                       5M

         Name : [ Clan's Choice ] (Cannot be Green or Red)
  Description : [ Clan's Choice ]
       Sector : inside
        Flags : indoors dark clanroom nomob PK noexplore
    Heal Rate : 100
    Mana Rate : 100

 CH 1.1   Change Room Name (Cannot be Green or Red)                 200k
 CH 1.2   Add/Change Room Description                                 1M
 CH 1.3   Change Sector type                                        500k
           to: inside, city, air, field, forest, hills,
               mountain or underground
 CH 1.40  Toggle 'dark' flag*                                       250k
 CH 1.41  Toggle 'indoors' flag                                     500k
 CH 1.42  Add 'nohunger' flag to the room                             5M
 CH 1.44  Add 'silentspell' flag to the room                          8M
 CH 1.45  Add 'bank' flag to the room                                 5M
 CH 1.46  Add 'fido-branch' flag to the room                          5M
 CH 1.47  Toggle between 'safe' and 'pk' flags                      500k
 CH 1.48  Toggle 'no_recall' flag                                     2M
 CH 1.49  Toggle 'prison' flag                                        2M
 CH 1.50  Remove flag not otherwise specified                       500K   
 CH 1.51  Clan Recall Room                                            3M
 CH 1.52  Clan Donation Room                                          5M
 CH 1.53  Clan Morgue Room                                           75M
 CH 1.54  Clan Jail Room                                             10M
 CH 1.55  Leader-Only Room                                            5M
 CH 1.56  *Clan Combat Maze/Sparring Room                            30M
 CH 1.71  Adjust Heal Rate (+ or - 1%) (Maximum 200%)               250k
 CH 1.72  Adjust Mana Rate (+ or - 1%) (Maximum 200%)               250k
 CH 1.8   Add/Change Extra Description                                1M
 CH 1.9   Add/Remove Room Reset                                     500k

  - Room will be owned to the clan purchasing it.
  - Comes with a 2-way link to an existing Main Hall Room.
  - Names and descriptions cannot contain inappropriate words or phrases.
  - Players names cannot be used without written consent of the player.
  - Clan logos/names cannot be used without written consent of the clan.
  - Main Hall room names cannot be colored green or red.
  - Clans may only have one room flagged leader-only.
  - All closed hall rooms must be flagged either PK or safe.
  - Combat Maze rooms come with a door to separate it from the hall.
  - Combat Maze rooms cannot have any mobs reset into the room.
  * Combat maze in closed hall MUST also include a PK flag. Strongly
    recommended against - raiders can suicide out and keep equipment.
  - Rooms with down exits to other areas may not have sector air.
  - Jails are flagged nomob, indoors, norecall, prison, pk, clanroom,
    jail, noexplore.  Nodrop may be added at a cost of 2M.  See help
    setclan (IMM Only).
 * Imms: Toggling dark differs depending upon whether the room is
   flagged indoors or outdoors.  See below:
        outdoors             dark     0
        outdoors             light    1
        indoors              dark    -1
        indoors              light    0
