 Help Keywords : CM-CDEF-Keys.
 Help Category : Clan Defense.
 Related Helps : CDEF-Index, CDEF-Objects.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:36:38.
 Clan Defense Upgrades: Keys

 Current:  CDEF-Index -> CDEF-Objects -> CDEF-Keys

 Add a new key reset                                   1,000,000 gold
   Keywords:  [ Any ] (must contain one word from short and long desc)
 Short Desc:  [ Any ] (cannot be blank, max length 50 chars)
  Long Desc:  [ Any ] (cannot be blank, max length 80 chars)
        Cln:  [ Clan Shortname ]
       Door:  [ Specify rooms and directions the key should open ]
      Flags:  magic meltdrop nolocate nosave
 Change Keywords/Short Desc/Long Desc                  1,000,000 gold
     (Changes any or all.)
 Toggle 'nolocate' flag                                1,000,000 gold
 Change order of key resets in a room                    500,000 gold
 Change which key opens an existing door               1,000,000 gold
 Remove a key reset in a room                            500,000 gold
 Remove and replace a key reset in a room              1,000,000 gold

  * Keys can only reset on level 230 guards.
  * Keys cannot reset on the floor of rooms.
  * Maximum of one key per guard.
  * Fake keys require one vnum and reset multiple times at 'new' cost.
  * When (re)moving a mob reset and a key reset at the same time
    you must pay the cost for both the mob and the key.
  * Takeable clan equipment should never be recycled into keys.