
 Help Keywords : Clear.
 Help Category : Utility.
 Related Helps : Email, Pretitle, Reply.
 Last Updated  : 2017-07-25 21:21:20.
 Syntax: clear [raidflags|email|from|reply|www|pretitle|mstatus|battlecry]

 The 'clear' command is a utility to allow clearing many various player-set
 fields to default/nothing without having to remember the syntax for the
 given command.  For example, both 'clear reply' and 'reply clear' will work.

 The 'raidflags' option is a special option relating to objects raided from
 a clan store. Once the raider has successfully made it out of the clan
 store, they must clear the (Raided) flags from items using the 'clear
 raidflags' syntax to be able to wear/save with those items.