
 Help Keywords : Crafter.
 Help Category : Classes.
 Related Helps : Classes.
 Last Updated  : 2020-08-15 12:52:33.
 -[*]=--=]=--=[*]=-=[=-=[  CRAFTER SUBCLASS  ]=-=]=-=[*]=--=[=--=[*]-

    Crafters are the tool makers of the realm. They can create 
    traps, can modify armor for improved protection, and truly 
    understand the workmanship of items created by others.  Only 
    crafters are able to add magical resists to items.

    Special skills/spells available to characters with the 
    crafter subclass:

    Reskin          Merge chaos


    - Ability to add magical resistances when using the skill skin.
    - Can get bonusloot chances on skinned items.

    Note:  Crafter is a subclass of Ranger.
