 Help Keywords : CM-CDEF-Exits.
 Help Category : Clan Defense.
 Related Helps : CDEF-Index, CDEF-Rooms.
 Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 19:10:41.
 Clan Defense Upgrades: Maze Exits

 Current:  CDEF-Index -> CDEF-Rooms -> CDEF-Exits

 The following rules apply generally to all Clan Defense Maze Exits.

 Two-way exit (Add or Remove)                           500,000 gold
     It's a normal exit, can have a door.
     You cannot place a door on a two-way exit
     that is in a random exit room.

 One-way exit (Add or Remove)                           500,000 gold
     Cannot have a door.

 Doors (Add)                                          2,000,000 gold
     Includes setting the key and the following flags:
     door closed locked pickproof nopass noclose noscan
     Can only go on two-way exits.

 Door (Remove)                                          500,000 gold
     Leaves the two-way exit in place.

 Change which key opens an existing door.             1,000,000 gold

 Add or Remove randomizing exits                      2,000,000 gold
     Can only be in rooms with no doors.

 * You can have one way exits into the defense from the clan hall
   watchtower. This watchtower cannot be located in the path from clan 
   recall to any shop.
 * The exit or portal destination from clan maze to clan hall must 
   terminate at the clan recall. There can only be one exit from the maze 
   to the clan hall proper.
 * All doors must be identical on each side of the door. A single
   key must open both sides of any given door.
 * All locked doors must have a key that resets on a guard in the maze.
 * All two-way exits must link to the logically opposite direction in 
   the connected room.