 Help Keywords : CM-PH-RULES PH-INFO.
 Help Category : Public Halls.
 Related Helps : PH-Index.
 Last Updated  : 2016-08-01 17:21:41.
 Public Halls: General Rules

  - The first room of a clan's Public Hall must be inside Aylor, or
    within five rooms of it.

  - The room may not be located in the combat maze, an area above level 15,
    or in the Arena.

  - Any option not listed is not available in a Public Hall

  - For Public Hall vnum ranges, see 'help CM-Vnums'

  - PK clans may use public hall object vnums within the main hall as
    private equipment.  This only works one way - main hall vnums can't be
    used in the public hall.

  - noPK clans ARE allowed private rooms (as many as desired) but there
    can be nothing of benefit in these private rooms that is not also
    available in the public rooms. This includes area exits, heal rate,
    shops, furniture, etc. This does not include the clan morgue or
    clan death recall, as these wouldn't be beneficial to the public.
    (from 'help nopk')