 Help Keywords : CON CONSTITUTION.
 Help Category : Information.
 Related Helps : Dex, Int, Luck, Str, Wis.
 Last Updated  : 2017-08-03 18:44:44.
 Constitution measures the general health and resilience of your character.
 Constitution affects the following main areas:

 - Constitution helps your defenses - a character with higher
   constitution will take less damage in combat.

 - Constitution determines how many hit points you will gain when you
   increase a level.

 - Constitution is the primary stat for rangers and has an effect on
   many thief, warrior and paladin skills and spells also.

 - Constitution is your body's hardiness, a player particularly low in
   constitution will find themselves less able to withstand damage of
   any kind. 

 Note:  Aardwolf stats in general have a huge effect on the game- more so 
 than with most muds. Be sure you have read 'help stats' before you start to
 train your character's stats as this helpfile gives advice on the best 
 stats to train for each class.