
Test Port General Rules

1. Anything you see/do/hear/use on test port stays on test port. Do not discuss areas in the works, solutions to quests/puzzles in areas, or the tools used to make areas with other players. It spoils future surprises and kills the magical view many players look upon the mud with when they ask "Wow, how did they do that?"

2. You are not to enter anyone else's area without Head Builder's knowledge and permission. You may wander around Aylor, the continents, and your area all you want. You are welcome in areas currently up for testing. However, at no time should you be in an area that has not been released for testing purposes. If you are caught in someone else's area without their permission you will lose access to test port immediately.

3. Do not bring or tell your friends to log on to test port so you can show them your area. Only approved builders and testers are allowed on test port. If you are caught having non-approved people in your area you will lose access to test port immediately.

4. You are on test port to build and test. You are not there to goof off. Do not make super equipment with super stats, you do not need QP, or TP. Anyone found creating a disturbance for other builders in anyway will be removed from their building status.

There are additional rules and guidelines for builders you can review here.