
Welcome to Building!

This list of rules is also found as 'help BUILD-Rules' on test port.

Below are the general rules for 204 level builders on Aardwolf's test port.

  * Do not discuss areas in progress, solutions to quests/puzzles or
    the tools used to make areas with other players.

  * You are not to enter anyone else's area without the Head Builder's
    knowledge and permission. You may wander around Aylor and your area all
    you want. But since you are still a player on the main mud, entering
    areas other then yours may give you knowledge of things which may give
    your character an unfair advantage on the main mud. If you are caught
    in someone else's area without their permission you will lose your
    status as a builder immediately.

  * Areas that are in progress should be flagged closed.  They should
    remain inaccessible to anyone other than the builder(s) and immortal
    staff until the area is ready for testing.

  * You must follow the building restrictions for rooms, objects, mobs
    and mob programs. See Builders Guidelines for more.

  * Areas may not be based on games, books, movies, or other popular (and
    copyrighted) mediums.  Your area will not be implemented if it is
    found to have been plagiarized.

  * Only approved builders, testers and immortals are allowed on the
    test port.  Do not use this port to find Imms regarding issues on the
    main port unless the immortal indicates it is OK to do so.

  * You are on the test port to build and work. Do not make super
    equipment with super stats, you do not need QP, or TP.

  * Builders are only allowed to work on one area at a time. Once your
    current area is complete and installed on the main port, you can apply
    to build a new one, but not until then.

  * If you stop working on your area for two months, it may be archived
    and/or deleted. Aardwolf reserves the right to dispose of incomplete,
    abandoned areas.

  * Please inform the imm team if you plan to take a hiatus from
    building.  If you stop working on your area for two months or more
    without notifying the immortal staff, there is no guarantee that you
    will be able to access or complete your area in the future.

  * Do not misuse immortal or building commands to try to cheat for
    main port or to gather information. This misuse of powers will be dealt
    with severely on the test port and possibly the main port. Building is
    a privilege and a trust. Do not abuse that trust.