
  SSyntax: clanqpdonate <amount/all>   : Donates quest points to clan account.
           clanqpdonate                : Shows current total donations to clan.

Related helps: Clandonate

This command donates the quantity of quest points specified to your clan's account. All members of a clan donate into this clan account, and the account is used towards clan upgrades and other fees. Only Immortals may take money and quest points from clan accounts, and only clan leaders may request clan funds be used.

Once you have donated to your clan, there is no way to get it back. If you are later disgruntled with the former clan, they do not have any way to return the donations to you.

You can see how many quest points you have donated to your clan by typing whois, or by doing roster <clan> 7. These only work for your own clan.

Also, you can see how many quest points are in your clan's account by checking claninfo <your clan>, this also only works for your own clan.