Witchs Cauldron

Help Keywords : witchs cauldron.
Help Category : Miscellaneous.
Related Helps : 'Cauldron'.
Last Updated  : 2023-10-11 11:14:18.
Hello folks!

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at cooking up unique spellup potions
in Aardwolf?

The Immortals have decided to host a mini-game that involves collecting
ingredients for spellup potions, then creating a custom spellup potion out
of them. Here's how this will work:

The first step involves collecting the ingredients. All you have to do is
kill mobs and hope that you are lucky enough to obtain at least 3 of the
ingredients necessary.

How do you know you have one of the necessary ingredients? First of all,
these items have been flagged nosell, so you may notice a curious item
sitting in your inventory. Second to this, all of the items that are
ingredients for this game have a similar formula to their short
description, which is something like this: *![ An Ingredient ]!*. And
finally, if you identify an ingredient item, you will discover the
instructions on what to do with it.

And what DO you do with these ingredients? Very simple, collect a minimum
of 3, then contact one of the immortals listed below. If you have 3 or
more ingredients, they will be combined into a level 1 potion that contains
either 3, 4 or 5 level 200 spells. Each spell added to your potion will
match the spell ingredient presented to the Immortal, who will magically
transform all of your ingredients.

If you wish to know what spell ingredients will produce which spell,
then check out help cauldron

o O o Bubble bubble bubble, toil and trouble! ooOOooo

Hope you enjoy mixing potions! This mini-game will be ongoing until
further notice :)
Happy quaffing and contact the below imm for turn-ins,


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