
Help Keywords : whopk.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Who, Swho.
Last Updated  : 2021-08-17 01:21:13.

The options 'who canipk' and 'who canpkme' show who you can PK and who can 
PK you. They are more dynamic than some of the other options. The following 
few paragraphs explain how they work:

These two who options do a simulation of the actual combat code to see 
who should be listed. There are many checks on whether or not you can 
attack another player and, for each one of them, we had to decide whether 
it passes the test for the purposes of 'who'. The goal is that the 'who' 
option includes anyone you can kill based on character attributes - level, 
tier, clan, OPK/Hardcore etc and ignores situational attributes such as 
what room you are in.

For example, if they are in a safe room, combat would not let you attack
them, but if it is someone you can generally PK they would appear in your 
list. In reverse, if you are in a war with someone, combat *will* let you 
attack them, but they won't appear on your list if they are not someone you 
can only PK because you're in warfare rooms.
