
Help Keywords : Who.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Count, Online, Whois, Swho.
Last Updated  : 2021-01-30 15:40:36.
Syntax:  who <option(s)>   (See below.)

'who' without any arguments shows all visible players connected to the MUD.
It shows their current level, race, class(es), pretitle, name, title, clan
affiliation (if any), and indicators such as AFK, in note, etc.

You may specify only players within a certain range by adding the level
restriction(s)- 'who 1 5' will list all players level 1 to 5, 'who 190'
will list all players level 190 and above, 'who 1 1' will list only level
1 players, etc.

Due to the massive number of players online at one time, there are several
options for limiting output of the 'who' command:

who <class>     lists all players with a specified class
who <subclass>  lists all players with a specified subclass
who p<class>    lists all players with the given primary class
                (For example, 'who pthief' or 'who pmage')
who <race>      lists all players in a specified race
who clan        lists all players who belong to a clan
who <clan name> lists all players in a specified clan
who noclan      lists all players not in a clan
who leader      lists all players who are clan leaders
who nopk        lists all players in nopk clans.
who pk          lists all players in pk clans.
who raider      lists all players with the raider flag (see 'help pk')
who traitor     lists all players with the traitor flag (see 'help pk')
who raidpk      lists all players you can open pk due to raid flags
who combat      lists all players participating in a current war
who gquest      lists all current global questors (see 'help gquest')
who induel      lists all players currently in a duel.
who duel        lists all players that accept duels.
who noduel      lists all players that do not accept duels.
who laser       lists all players in a lasertag game (see 'help laser')
who immortal    lists all immortals playing
who helper      lists all players who have chosen to become newbie helpers
                signified by [HELPER] flag
who tester      lists all players flagged as testers (tester/imm only)
who noexp       lists all players with noexp on
who active      lists all non-afk or idle players
who idle        lists all players currently idle
who afk         lists all players currently afk
who linkdead    lists all players currently link dead
who note        lists all players in the note editor
who newbie      lists all players under 200 hours who have not remorted
who sn          lists all supernewbies (level 1-50 with >200 hours)
who remort      lists all remort-status players (see 'help remort')
who noremort    lists all players who are not remorts
who tier        lists all tier 1 and above players
who notier      lists all non-tier players
who good        lists all players that are good aligned
who evil        lists all players that are evil aligned
who neutral     lists all players that are neutral aligned
who area        lists all players in the same area as you
who room        lists all players in the same room as yourself
who friend      lists all online friends
who ignored     lists all the players ignoring you
who editor      lists all players in the in-game editor
who group       lists all players in your group
who consented   lists all players who have consented you
who wanted      lists all wanted players
who blind       lists all players who have flagged themselves as blind 
                (also works with 'who vi')
who pkrange     lists all players in PK level range.
who canipk 
who canpkme     These two PK options are more complex, see 'help whopk' 
                for details. 

The following 'who' options can search for a given string by adding the
string to the end- for example, 'who from Florida' would show all players
with Florida in their from field. Any arguments after any of these options 
are considered part of the search string.

who from <text>    lists all players with <text> in their 'from' field.
who www <text>     lists all players with <text> in their 'www' field.
who afkmsg <text>  lists all players with <text> in their 'afkmsg' field.

The following options don't filter the who list results, but modify the
who +nosh       adding +nosh to the command will show player race & class
                instead of superhero title.
who +tier       adding +tier to an existing who command will show player

'who compress' will list players and their MCCP compression information.

Unless contradictory, arguments can be combined.  For example: 

who 10               (all players level 10+)
who 15 20 noremort   (all single-class players levels 15-20)
who cleric 1 5       (all level 1-5 primary-class/remort clerics)
who elf cleric 1 20  (all elven clerics level 1-20)
who loner 201 201    (all superheroes in the loner clan)
