
Help Keywords : Vaults.
Help Category : Equipment.
Related Helps : Inventory, Wishes, Kflag, Banking.
Last Updated  : 2020-10-13 16:17:05.

Syntax:  vault buy
         vault list
         vault put [item list]
         vault get [item list]
         vault upgrade [amount]
         vault sort (see 'help invsort')
         vault filter (see 'help ifilter')
         vault data

NOTE: Vaults are a high level feature for players with extensive equipment 
collections that they want to store long term. Most newer players will be
ok with a combination of Aardwolf bags and pockets wishes. As a new player, 
your trivia points are better spent elsewhere.

Vaults are a way to safely store equipment long term. The main difference 
between vaults and inventory (pockets wishes) is that items in your vault 
are not considered part of your inventory so do not count towards weight 
limits. Items in a vault cannot be located by other players but will still 
show in your own 'owned' list if they are owned.

Not being part of inventory also means that there is no risk of loss at 
death, from accidentally dropping them on the floor or losing them because 
a friend holding items for you stopped playing or got themselves deleted. 

Please note that vaults do *not* allow you to save anything you wouldn't 
normally be able to save and do not get around item timers - something 
with a timer still has a timer even in a vault. Having an item in your 
vault that you can't save with will warn you when you quit and the details
can be seen in 'quit check'.

You can put containers in the vault and they will take up as many slots
as items in the container. Items that already have the 'kflag' do not
take up vault space so once you have a vault we recommend putting those
in there right away for safekeeping.

The vaults are intended for longer term storage of collectibles and items
you don't use often and don't want to keep tracking in inventory. For day
to day use or characters just starting out on Aardwolf, you are probably
better off with the first couple of 'pockets' wishes.

You need to be in a bank room to use a vault. The options available are:

vault buy: 
  It costs 20 trivia points to open your vault with 20 storage items 

vault upgrade [amount]: 
  You can upgrade your vault with an additional 30 slots (up to 50 total
  slots) at a cost of 1 trivia point per slot. After that, the costs 
  increases to 2 trivia points and increases by 1 trivia point every 50
  slots. To see the cost to upgrade a vault X times, use 'vault upgrade X'
  - when used without the confirm option, it will show costs and exit.

vault put [itemlist] : 
  Uses the same syntax as 'put' to put items in your vault.

vault get [itemlist] : 
  Uses the same syntax as 'get' to retrieve items from your vault.

vault list : 
  Shows the list and count of items in your vault.

vault data : 
  Shows the list of items in your vault in 'invdata' format. The counts 
  shown at the end are number of items, total number of items including 
  kflag equipment and vault capacity.
