Help Keywords : VIMODE.
Help Category : Blind.
Related Helps : Blindmode.
Last Updated  : 2024-01-21 12:49:45.

Syntax:  vimode          :  Shows which flags will be changed.
         vimode confirm  :  Makes the flag changes.

The 'vimode' command is a shortcut to turn on multiple VI friendly settings
at once. When used with the 'confirm' option, this command changes the
following settings to be the same as if you had selected 'Yes' to the new
VI friendly options prompt in character creation.

Note that this command is *not* a toggle, it is a shortcut for making
multiple settings changes at once, it can only be undone by resetting each
option manually.

    - Game map is turned off.
    - Regular prompt is turned off.
    - Compact mode is turned on.
    - Battle prompt is changed to a very basic nocolor prompt.
    - Spamreduce all is set.
    - Brief 1 is set.
    - Damage mode 5 (simple messages) is set.
    - Pagesize 0 is set.
    - Object shortflags are turned on.
    - Blindmode is set to 2 unless you already have blindmode 1 set.
    - Color is turned off.
    - Catchtells and Savetells are turned on.
    - Player titles will be hidden when looking in a room.
    - Player pretitles will be hidden.

Because VIMODE also turns on blindmode, other areas of the game will behave
differently - see 'help blindmode' for more information.

For test purposes, you can copy/paste the commands below to reset each of
the 'vimode' settings to the more common standard version. Some of these
vary by user (such as pagesize) so the values are examples only:

  Automap On
  Brief 0
  Catchtells Off
  Color On
  Compact Off
  Damage 0
  Nopretitles Off
  Notitles Off
  Pagesize 30
  Savetells Off
  Shortflags On
  Prompt On
  Bprompt all
  Spamreduce restore
  Blindmode 0
