
Help Keywords : Uprising.
Help Category : Goals.
Related Helps : Goals, Goal Solving.
Last Updated  : 2016-08-27 13:50:53.

There is a city of dark elves that exists deep underground. For centuries,
this city has been ruled by the female dark elves, and generally left alone
by explorers, since dark elves are famous for their lack of kind treatment 
toward outsiders.

Recently, the male dark elves decided to take over the city from the
females. Their allies, the cyclopses and the cerejellums, took many female 
dark elves prisoner, and the city now sits in a state of ruin.

The dark elf high priestess is looking for someone to help her rescue the
other female dark elves from the cyclopses and cerejellums. Then, the female
dark elves will need assistance in reasserting their power within the city.
The goddess of the dark elves is always watching and will handsomely reward
a strong adventurer who is successful in aiding her followers.

Level Range         : 120 to 160
Goal Difficulty     : Difficult
Goal Recommended at : Level 160
Goal Converter      : Korridel & Guinness
Area Author         : Korridel & Guinness

As a warning, starting this goal makes completion of quests and campaigns
within this area more difficult. Further to this, single class warriors and
rangers will require assistance from other players if they need to complete
certain quests or campaigns within this area while working on the goal (if 
they do not yet have access to their level 201 skills).

The AardWiki has maps of the area here:
