Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Spells.
Last Updated  : 2006-03-12 18:03:17.
Syntax: topspells
        topspells <filter> <filter> <filter>
        topspells all <filter> <filter> <filter>

The 'topspells' command allows you to see the most used commands since reboot
in various spell categories. Typing 'topspells' alone will show the most used
spells of the spells that you have. Using 'all' in the command will show the
most used spells from the entire spell list.

You may also use the 'spells' filters to see only spells of a certain type.
For example 'spells 1 25 combat' will show only combat spells from levels 1
through 25. See 'HELP SPELLS' for a list of all the spells filters.

When you use 'topspells' normally, it only includes spells that you have.
If you use 'all', for example 'topspells combat all', it will include all
combat spells regardless of whether or not you have them. Any level numbers
given are ignored when you use the 'all' option.