
 Help Keywords : Setflags.
 Help Category : Equipment.
 Related Helps : Object Flags, Trivia.
 Last Updated  : 2013-01-26 10:31:30.
 Syntax:  setflags <object> <flag1> (<flag2> <flag3> ...)

 Certain object flags (such as burn-proof and anti-evil) may be toggled at
 Ivar's Item Remodeling in Aylor.  The cost for this is two trivia points.

 Only certain flags (marked with an asterisk in 'help object flags') may be
 toggled on an object; however, multiple flags may be toggled simultaneously;
 for example, if a sword has the flags 'glow hum invis anti-evil', using
 'setflags sword invis anti-evil burn-proof' changes the sword's flags to
 then be 'glow hum burn-proof'.  

 The charge of 2tp is per use of the command, not per flag.  If you use
 multiple commands to toggle the flags separately, you will be charged 2
 trivia points per flag, rather than total.  Refunds will not be given!