
 Help Keywords : Seekers-promotion.
 Help Category : Clans.
 Related Helps : Seekers-conduct, Seekers-joining.
 Last Updated  : 2013-05-12 10:09:10.
 * Promotion within the Seekers is based on the following activities:

 Leveling up/Powerups                Completing quests
 Completing Campaigns                Winning Global Quests
 Donating of gold and qps            Time spent in the clan
 Exploring Aardwolf

 and most importantly: CLAN SERVICE

 This could range from a number of different things that are not easily

 This means that a Seeker may grow by playing as they see fit, and not
 be forced into a path they find unenjoyable.

 * Demotion and outcasting within the clan is based on only a few things:

 Inactivity                          Breaking the Code of Conduct
 Clan Disputes

 For more information on Seekers code of conduct see Help Seekers-conduct