
 Help Keywords : Seasons.
 Help Category : Features.
 Related Helps : Moons, Noweather, Weather.
 Last Updated  : 2019-07-06 14:15:10.

 There are 20 months (seasons) in an Aardwolf year and each season
 corresponds to a particular damage type. During each season, any damage
 that matches the damage type for that season will gain a 10% bonus. When
 all three moons are in the sky, that bonus will increase to 20%


     the Sun (Light)       : 138 days, sunrise at 3am, sunset at 7pm
     the Scourge (Disease) : 162 days, sunrise at 9am, sunset at 6pm
     the River (Water)     : 138 days, sunrise at 7am, sunset at 6pm
     Song (Sonic)          : 150 days, sunrise at 6am, sunset at 7pm
     Energy (Energy)       : 148 days, sunrise at 6am, sunset at 8pm
     Nature (Earth)        : 140 days, sunrise at 5am, sunset at 7pm
     the Snake (Poison)    : 142 days, sunrise at 5am, sunset at 8pm
     the Sword (Slash)     : 140 days, sunrise at 7am, sunset at 6pm
     the Freeze (Cold)     : 148 days, sunrise at 9am, sunset at 7pm
     Thought (Mental)      : 148 days, sunrise at 8am, sunset at 8pm
     Darkness (Shadow)     : 134 days, sunrise at 10am, sunset at 6pm
     Corrosion (Acid)      : 136 days, sunrise at 8am, sunset at 8pm
     the Dagger (Pierce)   : 120 days, sunrise at 9am, sunset at 6pm
     the Storm (Electric)  : 140 days, sunrise at 8am, sunset at 7pm
     Piety (Holy)          : 143 days, sunrise at 7am, sunset at 6pm
     Suffering (Negative)  : 135 days, sunrise at 6am, sunset at 7pm
     Burning (Fire)        : 144 days, sunrise at 7am, sunset at 8pm
     the Tornado (Air)     : 142 days, sunrise at 7am, sunset at 9pm
     the Stone (Bash)      : 120 days, sunrise at 7am, sunset at 9pm
     the Magi (Magic)      : 138 days, sunrise at 6am, sunset at 7pm 

 These sunrise/sunset values do not affect area values used in places like 
 The Graveyard or Nulan'Boar.

 Days: Each Aardwolf day is 24 hours in length.
     1 Aardwolf minute = 0.5 seconds
     1 Aardwolf hour = 30 seconds
     1 Aardwolf day = 12 minutes
     1 Aardwolf season = variable (12 minutes * days in season)
     1 Aardwolf year = 22.3 days 

 Years: a cycle numbering from 1 to 38:

     Year of the Singularity
     Year of the Unwanted
     Year of the Scholar
     Year of the Watcher
     Year of the Moons
     Year of the Searcher
     Year of the Bandit
     Year of the Knight
     Year of the Light
     Year of the Wyrm
     Year of the Dark Lord
     Year of the Marauder
     Year of the Muse
     Year of the Crusade
     Year of the Xylitl
     Year of Authority
     Year of the Horde
     Year of the Jester
     Year of the Avenger
     Year of the Three
     Year of the Circle
     Year of the Followers
     Year of the Sisters
     Year of the Dirge
     Year of Eternity
     Year of the Monk
     Year of the Samurai
     Year of the Templar
     Year of the Wanderer
     Year of the Truth
     Year of the Elements
     Year of Friendship
     Year of the Journal
     Year of Balance
     Year of Philosophy
     Year of the Villain
     Year of the Raider
     Year of the Loop 
