
Help Keywords : Restring .
Help Category : Features.
Related Helps : Color, Equipment, Strings, Tpspend, checklength.
Last Updated  : 2024-04-04 18:33:39.
NOTE: The longer strings in this help file are for object restrings only
(this does include requests for new trivia portals since a restring is a
part of the purchase). For any other type of object string, please see
'help strings'. To further clarify, an object restring occurs when you ask
an Imm to make a single object you possess look unique compared to
matching objects in the game (for example: changing the short description
of 'a Bag of Aardwolf' to 'a Bag of Portals'), it is not for objects you
purchase that will reset in a manor, or objects that will reset on a
manor or clan shopkeeper (which you may then obtain multiple copies of).

Characters have the option of changing what an item's 'look at' and 'in
inventory' descriptions are, as well as their keywords.  This is referred
to as 'restringing' an object, and costs 2 trivia points per item.  This
service is performed by Imms.  Once you have the following strings ready,
contact an Imm, who will transfer you to their room, take the object, and
change all desired strings before giving it back to you.

Any or all of the following can be changed with a restring:

Keywords:  Words that are used to allow you to use the item- wear, wield,
hold, etc- i.e, 'bag aardwolf (123456)'.  Equipment always keeps the
original keywords, but may have more added. There is a limit of 3 new
keywords per restring. It is ideal for the new keywords to come from the
short and long description for ease of interaction with it.

Short Desc: The description that is seen when the item is worn or in your
inventory. This desc can (and often does) have color codes in it.  (For
example, 'a Bag of Aardwolf') These descriptions are limited to 100
characters including the codes, 40 characters as displayed.
It's good practice that the short description contains at least one word,
which should be included as a keyword. This is not mandatory though.

Long Desc: The description that is seen if the item is laying in a room
or examined.  ('You see a magical-looking bag on the floor.') The character
limit is 80 including color codes. The long description needs to contain
at least one word, which should be included as a keyword.

Restrings may be removed (the item reset to original keywords/short/long
desc) at the same cost of 2 trivia points, or, alternatively, may be
replaced with a different restring at the same cost.

For obvious reasons, obscene restrings and clones of existing items are not
allowed (restringing an axe to 'Axe of Aardwolf'); attempts to mislead with
very similar restrings will also be declined.  Due to their issue
being displayed in some clients, Extended characters are not allowed on
equipment (see 'help policies1').


Use the checklength command to check the length of your desired string.

It is very helpful to the Imm involved if you say the descriptions you want
with the colorcodes included.  Just type @ twice instead of once for each
color code.  All color codes can be found in 'help color'. Remember to
always include @w at the end, to prevent color bleeding.

If you were only looking to add a unique keyword to an object, you may do
so for 1 trivia point rather than 2.  Simply use the 'tpspend name' option,
usable at Ravi's (see 'help trivia points').  Have the object in inventory
and type "tpspend name <object> '<new keyword>'".  You may add more than one
keyword by applying single quotes around all keywords, and will be appended
to the other keywords for the object.

With the addition of the Restrung object flag, all types of items are
available for a restring now (unless the item already contains the keyword
'no-restring'). This includes, but is not limited to: tier pins, medals,
and closed clan equipment.

Here is a link to some video helps on restringing in Aardwolf MUD:

