
Help Keywords : RAID-Raidparty Party Ptell.
Help Category : Clans.
Related Helps : Allies, Clans, PK, Raiding, TestRaid, Mazeinfo.
Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 18:00:20.

The 'raidparty' command is used to form a raiding party, both for test
raiding and real attacks on other clans.

For an overview of the mechanics of raiding, see 'help raiding'.  Misuse 
of this command is not taken lightly- see below.

Raid Party Leader Commands:

raidparty create real: Forms a raiding party. Costs 100qps.
raidparty create test: Forms a test party. Cost 20qps. See 'help testraid'

raidparty recruit <player> : Adds a member to the raiding party. The 
target must be in a raiding clan, cannot already be in another raiding 
party, and cannot be at war with any of the existing members of the party.

raidparty color <color>: Sets the (RAIDER) flag color for your party. 
Color is tied to the party so reverts back to bright red once the party is 

raidparty remove <player>: Removes a player from the raiding party.

raidparty disband : Disbands the entire party. If a raid is under 
way, it is cancelled and fails by default.

raidparty target <clan>  : Targets the raiding party towards a 
specific clan, starts the timer, and announces the intent to raid that 
clan. All members of your party must be hostile or at war towards the 
targeted clan. A test raid is automatically targeted at Wolf and the maze 
is chosen when you invade a specific maze.

raidparty leader <player>: Adds another leader to the raiding party. 
A raiding party can have up to 3 leaders.

Raid Party Member Commands:

raidparty quit: Leave the raiding party. This cannot be used in a clan
maze. If you are the only remaining leader in a raiding party, you will  
have to either appoint another leader or, disband the party.

ptell <message>: Channel used for members of the raiding party. 

raidparty: Raidparty with no arguments will show the current status 
of the raiding party and list party members.

Global Commands:

raidparty list: Shows any current raiding parties, who the leaders 
are, and the number of members (but not their names).

raidparty mazes: Show a list of available test mazes and their 
current status.

Notes on 'RAIDPARTY' options:

Once a clan is set as the target of a raid party, there is a minimum time
('grace period') before it may be targeted again.  Because of this, fake
raids (targeting a clan only to give them immunity) will be dealt with very
harshly.  Frivolous raid attempts (a raid party consisting of underclassed/
non-tier players that have no chance of success against a room full of
guards, much less an entire maze) will also be punished.  Some clans are
more powerful than others, so the definition of frivolous varies- just use
some common sense.

When a raiding party is targeted towards another clan, everyone in the
party gets a (Raider) flag and can be killed by members of the targeted
clan and their allies mud-wide. If someone joins a raiding party that is
already targeted, they will immediately become a raider. If you leave the
party, the (Raider) flag will stay with you for a period of time. A
player that already has a raider flag cannot be recruited into a raiding
party.  This means that once someone leaves/is kicked from a raiding party,
they can NOT rejoin it.