
 Help Keywords : Quaff.
 Help Category : Equipment.
 Related Helps : Brandish, Recite, Zap, Potsearch.
 Last Updated  : 2019-02-10 05:06:51.
 Syntax: quaff <potion>

 'quaff' drinks potions of a magical nature.  'drink' is used for mundane
 liquids.  Potions that are quaffed will always affect yourself, not a 
 target.  Unlike other magical objects (staves, wands, and scrolls), you
 will always quaff a potion successfully; there is no skill involved.

 Note that certain spells can only be used from an object if you are a class
 that can cast those spells. To check a specific spell, use 'showskill
 <spellname>'. This command will show, among other things, if a spell is
 restricted when on objects.

 Once you quaff a potion, the potion is totally consumed.

 To reduce the multi-lined output from quaffing a potion, see help healtype.

 You may use drink instead of quaff.