
Help Keywords : Pathfinding.
Help Category : Transport.
Related Helps : Find, Hunt, Navigate, Speedwalk.
Last Updated : 2017-09-01 09:18:46.
Syntax: pathfind <target> (nodoors)
The pathfind command is used by Hunters, and will display directions to find their way back to a given target. This only works within the same area as the target, and like the 'find' command, does not work through custom exits or portals. Append 'nodoors' to the command to list the speedwalk without doors.

Currently, the only target for this command is 'pet', which will guide the Hunter back to a pet within the area. If multiple pets are in the same area, the most recently acquired pet will be used.

Skill available only to the Hunter Ranger Subclass.
If you are trying to use a social and see this command's output instead, prefix the social with * to use the social. See 'help socials'.