
Help Keywords : Noloot.
Help Category : Config.
Related Helps : Autolist, Consent, CR, Helper.
Last Updated  : 2008-11-30 11:49:13.
Syntax:  noloot

With this command, which is enabled by default, your corpse is safe from 
being looted by other players.  If you toggle this off, it will enable any
other player to take items from your corpse.  This may prove useful when
characters are helping you with a corpse retrieval.  Remember to turn this
back on when your equipment has been retrieved.

Note- the 'consent' command overrides noloot and allows only certain players
to access your corpse.  Consent is the preferred method for letting other
players help with a corpse retreival.  A married player's spouse always has
consent to loot a corpse, regardless of consent or noloot status.