
Help Keywords : Newbie-Multiclass.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : Remort, Superhero, Tiers.
Last Updated  : 2021-08-03 13:53:46.
You're likely already wondering what class you should remort into. What you 
need to do is think of a class that will nicely compliment your primary 
class. If you are a warrior, paladin, ranger or thief, you may consider 
remorting into a psionicist, since this class has a lot of nice spellup 
spells. If you are a cleric, mage or psionicist you will already have some 
spellup spells so you might want to add some power to your character by 
remorting into a warrior. 

Take a look at what more experienced players are doing by using the 'who' 
command. Typing 'who pwarrior 201' will give a list of primary class 
warriors who are currently superheroes. Then you can 'whois' each one in turn 
and compare how they built their characters.

Once you remort, remember that your most powerful skills and spells will 
still be the ones of your primary class. There will be no need to practice 
every mage attack spell, for instance, if your primary class is warrior. 
Continue using your warrior skills in battle and add on the mage spells that 
are useful to you, such as 'invis'.