
Help Keywords : Newbie-Detects Detects.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : NewGuide-Explore, Detect Hidden, Detect Invis, True Seeing.
Last Updated  : 2020-08-30 23:27:11.
Below are some frequently asked questions newbies have about detecting
invis and hidden in Aardwolf.

1. Why can't I find my quest/campaign/goal mob?

One possibility is that it might be invisible or hidden, which makes you
unable to see it. You need to have the "Detect Invis" and "Detect Hidden"
effects on you to sense those mobs.

2. Why can't I find an item in my inventory/why does a piece of equipment
I'm wearing show up as "something"?

It's probably because that item is invisible. You need to have the "Detect
Invis" effect on you to detect that item. Note that mobs and players can
be both invis and hidden, but items can only be invis, not hidden.

3. Why doesn't my corpse decompose after I've taken all the items from

When a corpse is empty, it will decompose automatically. If it doesn't,
that means there are still items in it. If you "get all corpse" and it
tells you that there is nothing on your corpse, one common reason why is
that the items are invisible. You should always ensure that you have 
"Detect Invis" up when you get your items from your corpse.

4. How do I get "Detect invis" and "Detect hidden"?

These effects are commonly referred to as "detects" (ex. "Make sure your
detects are up before doing a goal!"). You can get them through a variety
of ways.

Firstly, you can quaff a potion that grants detects. Such potions
can be found at Aeleron's Alchemy Supplies, in Aylor (help potsearch). 

Secondly, you can cast a spell that allows you to detect hidden or invisible
things. Examples include "detect invis", "detect hidden", "true seeing",
and "heighten senses". Use showskill or search their helpfiles for more
information about each spell. Note that not all classes are able to cast
such spells. If you're a newbie warrior, you will have to use one of the
other methods detailed here to get detects up.

Thirdly, you can wear a piece of equipment that allows you to detect invis
and hidden mobs and objects. The Aardwolf Helm of True Sight (help
newbie-aard) is very useful for this as you can keep it worn to be able to
permanently detect all invis and hidden things as well as other information
like alignment. This helm is most useful when bought at level 1!