
Help Keywords : Newbie-Curse.
Help Category : newhelp.
Related Helps : NewGuide-Index, Object Flags, Remove Curse, Heal, Curse, Nodrop, Noremove, Healer, Cursed.
Last Updated  : 2021-06-11 15:09:41.
Has your deity forsaken you? Is an object stuck to you and refusing to be
removed? Well, you might be cursed!!!

1. What happens when a player is cursed?

A cursed player is often likely to notice they are cursed when they attempt 
to recall or use the home command, only to find their deity has temporarily 
forsaken them (typing 'affects' will show how long this affect will last).

Additionally, a successful curse on a mob or player will cause temporary 
penalties to their attack or damage, as well as reduced resistance to 
magical effects. 

2. What happens when an object is cursed?

Items can also be cursed. Some items come cursed by default (often found on
mobs or rooms). This items will have the 'nodrop' and 'noremove' flags, 
making them unremovable and undroppable until the curse is removed.

3. What do I do about a curse?

Both of these affects may be removed by either the 'remove curse' spell (if
you have it or by using 'heal curse' (or 'heal uncurse') at a healer. 
See 'help heal' for more details. Sorcerers' curse spells do not use the 
same effect.

There is also a video which shows how to deal with cursed items on 