
Help Keywords : Learned.
Help Category : Utility.
Related Helps : Practice, Train, Gain.
Last Updated  : 2011-08-05 14:44:26.
Syntax: learned (<abbreviation>) (<sort type>)

The 'learned' command is an enhancement of the 'practice' command.  It
displays all known abilities (compared to 'practice' which only shows any
abilities that can still be practiced).  The list also displays the spell
number ("Sn" - see 'help cast') if applicable, percentage learned, any
skill/spell modifiers, and the level of the ability.

By default, the learned list is sorted by percentage.  'learned 2' orders
the list by skill/spell name.  Adding an abbrevation will match any
abilities with names beginning with the given text.  (For example, 'learned
good' will not show 'protection good'.)  These search text and sort options
are interchangeable.