
Help Keywords : lbidformat.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Marketplace, Lauction, Lbid.
Last Updated  : 2022-02-20 09:55:04.

The commands 'lbid' and 'market list' are the same thing. The fields show
when using different views of the command are listed below:

Syntax: 'Market List'

Num       : The market place item number, use this to place a bid or 
            view market history. A yellow * before this number means the 
            item is a showcase item.

Desc      : Short description of the item as it would appear in your 

Level     : Level of the item being sold. 

Type      : Type of the auction - gold, qp or tp. A red * before the 
            type means that the item has a buyout amount.

Last Bid  : Current highest bid on the item. A red * immediately 
            after the last bid means that you have the current highest bid.

Bids      : Number of bids placed so far.

Time left : Time left until the auction closes. Will display "CLOSING" 
            if the auction close is imminent.

Syntax: 'Market List Sellers (Lbid Sellers)'

Shows the name of the seller and the name of the person with the current
highest bid.

Syntax: 'Market List Amounts (Lbid Amounts)'

Shows a buyout amount if set, the last bid amount and the name of the
last bidder.
