Help Keywords : HISTORY23.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Newhelp, The Announcement Board.
Last Updated  : 2022-09-26 01:56:08.

 1st Jan 2018: Happy New Year! Usual day of doubles and special events.

11th Jan 2018: New system added for bonus stats on game load equipment.           
               System tries to be intelligent about how many stats an item 
               already has and possible max stats in each slot. It is 
               possible to go over, but more rare. Weapons will also
               receive a bonus to damage.

11th Feb 2018: Lots of tweaking to the obj bonus stats. Mostly to make
               them easier to land and make items lean towards one random
               stat to be more like clan items. Bonusloot and lootnext 
               commands added. Option to see 'inv filter bonus' and 
               'lbid filter bonus' also added. A new 'blindmode' command
               added to allow players to designate themselves as blind
               either publicly or privately. 'Who blind' added.

31st Mar 2018: Dominion clan has merged into Retribution. OPK timers
               adjusted so you can leave OPK quickly but longer downtime
               before you can add it back. References to 'Noble' removed
               from the game.

10th May 2018: Guinness steps down from the Imm Team for a second time.

 1st Jul 2018: Shadokil clan disbanded.

22nd Jul 2018: Cabal merged into Loqui. Ookushka Garrison area added 
               (Rhuli). Arboretum area added (Teleron). New raiding related
               goal added to 'Raider School' test maze. (Rezit).

21st Sep 2018: Rebuild trains removed from gain - automatic rebuild
               now happens at each superhero with stat restore. Staves
               targets limited by class. Mob name scrambling removed in
               gquests and campaigns. Illuminate no longer blocked by a
               (GLOW) flag when cast by an Enchanter.

 6th Oct 2018: Fenix joins the Imm Team.

14th Dec 2018: Mordist steps down from the Imm Team.

Continued in 'HISTORY24'...
