
Help Keywords : Follow.
Help Category : Followers.
Related Helps : Disband, Followers, Group, Nofollow.
Last Updated  : 2017-08-29 18:59:13.

Syntax: follow <character>|self

When you follow a player (or monster), you will go where they go.  When in
the same room and they move to another room, you will move as well.

You must first follow someone before you can be part of a group with them-
see 'help group'.

You will also follow through portals in a room.  If the person you are
following recalls or uses a held portal, however, you will not follow them
to that destination.  Some special programs will transfer everyone in the
room, but most require you to be grouped.  Some require each person to
trigger the transfer program, whether grouped or not.

To stop following someone, type 'follow self'.  To prevent people following
you at all, use the 'nofollow' toggle.
