Enchant Bot

Help Keywords : EnchantBot.
Help Category : Rules.
Related Helps : Is This Botting, Rules, Stacked Commands, Enchants.
Last Updated  : 2016-01-16 12:20:45.

TLDR: Skip to the bullet points for the actual rules.

Our botting rules exist to make sure that a player is not gaining unfair 
advantages over other players by having their client do most of their 
playing for them. We allow a certain amount of 'botting' in the form of 
being able to stack commands to kill a *single* room of mobs. With the
exception of aggressive mobs (also illegal), this limits the gain to a
minute or two of playing. 

We had a mud-wide discussion on fair rules for enchanting items under the
new system. Consensus was hard to reach because of different enchanting
styles - some people fully enchant a single item on at a time while others
spam enchants over multiple items then review the results later. 

The options below are the current rule and a starting point as we define
these rules further:

* You may use stacked commands and triggers to fully enchant a *SINGLE*
  item, including identifying to decide whether or not to keep it, sort 
  into bags based on stats and even sell back to store if in the same room.
  These *MUST* be done one at a time. If you use this method, do not stack 
  them. You must be able to respond to someone talking to you or noticing 
  things in your room between items. 

 ... OR ...

* You may stack (spam) multiple enchants on a list of items with no
  decision making or trigger, just spamming a bunch of enchants like 
  spamming a single room of mobs. 20 items is the maximum. 

As with all other botting rules, the spirit of the rule is that you are
playing the game, not your client. If you suddenly go AFK will you still
be active for more than a few seconds? Have you stacked so many commands
that you're going to appear like a bot? Some imms can view your command
stack, we will know. Are you blindly pressing a key while you do something 
else? Hitting F2 every 10 seconds while you watch TV is still botting.
