
Help Keywords : Email From.
Help Category : Utility.
Related Helps : Clear, Finger, MStatus.
Last Updated  : 2017-08-08 22:36:43.

Syntax: email <>   : Sets your email address.
        email private             : Sets your email visible to Imms only.
        email none                : Clears your email address.
        www <yourwebaddress>      : Sets your web address.
        www none                  : Clears your web address.
        from <information>        : Sets your 'from' field.
        from none                 : Clears anything in 'from' field.

These commands will modify the information displayed when someone types
'finger <yourname>'.

'email' will set an email address on your character, or change an existing
email address (entered at character creation or by previous use of this
command).  This is especially useful for resetting your password (in case
it is forgotten) or for important news on the MUD.

When first set with the 'email' command, the email address set will be
visible to all players.  To make the email private (visible only to MUD
staff and yourself), type 'email private'.  When your email is flagged as
private, it is only visible to yourself and admins; all others will only
see '##private##'.  Type 'email private' again to toggle this off and set
your email visible to all.  (Email addresses set during character creation
are automatically set private.)

You may also set your 'web address' and 'is from' fields with 'www' and
'from', respectively.  If you are married, you may also change your 'is
married to' field- see 'help mstatus'.  Use '<field> none' (e.g., 'email
none') to clear a field.

Unlike other commands, email does not treat @ as a color code; you do not
need to use @@ in email.

Remember: Your email address can be used to send a recovery password for 
your character, so help your future self by setting it and keeping it up-
to-date! :)
