Help Keywords : EXPLORED.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Map, Areas, Rank.
Last Updated  : 2017-08-07 13:58:21.

Syntax: explored            : Lists number of explorable and explored rooms
                              in both your current area and the entire MUD.
        explored resetarea  : Resets current area explored percentage to 0. 

Every time you enter a new room on Aardwolf, that room is counted on your
character. Typing 'explored' in a room will show the number of rooms that you
have explored in the area you are in, and, the number of rooms in the whole
realm explored.

'Explored resetarea' can be used when you want to reset your explored counter
in an area and start over.  It must be typed out in full.

'Areas explored' command shows a detailed listing of the rooms you have
explored in all areas of Aardwolf. See 'Help Areas'.

'Areas unexplored' command shows a detailed listing of the rooms you have
not explored in all the areas of Aardwolf.  See Help Areas.

'Rank 15' shows a list of the top explorers of Aardwolf.
