
Help Keywords : CM-EQ-Strings.
Help Category : Clan Equipment.
Related Helps : Clan Equipment, Manorupgrades, Restring.
Last Updated  : 2023-09-25 11:34:28.
There is often confusion about the various types of descriptions on objects
and monsters on Aardwolf.  This is an explanation provided to help make
sense of these different strings, which often come into play when you
request items and mobiles in things such as clan halls and manor rooms.
Note that extended ASCII characters are not allowed for mobs or objects.

Keywords:  Words that are used to allow you to use the item- wear, wield,
hold, etc- i.e, 'armor 251chest breastplate'.

Short/Name: The description that is seen when the item is worn or in your
inventory. This desc can (and often does) have color codes in it.  (For
example, 'a Bag of Aardwolf'). These descriptions may have color codes,
and are limited to 50 characters.

Long: Mobiles and objects only. The description that is seen if the item
is laying in a room or examined.  ('You see a magical-looking bag on the
floor.') The character
limit is 80 including color codes. The long description needs to contain
at least one word, which should be included as a keyword.

Desc:  Mobiles and rooms only - not objects.  This is the description seen
when typing 'look' for room descriptions, or when you 'look <mobile>'.  It
is allowed to have color codes, and a maximum of 40 lines.  Please specify
whether you want these descriptions formatted to 75 characters in width or
not when requesting a description.

Story:  Mobiles only.  This is heard with 'listen <mobname>'.  Limit of ~80
characters, generally does not include color codes.

Extra:  Objects and rooms only.  These are additional keywords that have
additional descriptions seen when you 'look <keyword>'.  Extra desc
keywords may be the same as the object's original keywords, providing a
longer description when you 'look <object>'.  Keywords do not have color
codes, though the descriptions themselves may have them; they are limited
to 40 lines.

Value:  Furniture objects only.  Three settings- choose one of each of
sitin/siton, restin/reston, and sleepin/sleepon.  These echo when you use
the furniture objects; for example, sitin will echo 'You sit in (object
short desc).'  These are not customizable in any other way, and one must be
chosen from each category (sit/rest/sleep).


Restrings have different string limits now. Check 'help restrings' for more

Use the checklength command to check the length of your desired string.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask an Imm before posting a note.