
Help Keywords : CM-EQ-Campfires.
Help Category : Clan Equipment.
Related Helps : EQ-Index, EQ-Types.
Last Updated  : 2016-03-02 18:47:08.
Clan Equipment: Campfires

Current:  EQ-Index -> EQ-Types -> EQ-Campfires

Name: Must have one of the words in the short & long desc
Type: Campfire
Level: 1
Wear flags: Notake
Extra flags: Magic
Cln: Set to the clan who bought it
Weight: 0
Cost in Shop: N/A
Short desc: Must contain a keyword of the object
Long desc: Must contain a keyword of the object
Affects: N/A

Upfront Costs:
Base Cost:  4.5mil gold
Reset Cost: .5mil gold. 

Costs to Change:
Type: Cost of the item as if it were new.
Change name/short desc/long desc: 1mil gold for all or any.


This object may not be placed within the maze or watchtowers.  Custom
campfires for clans use a vnum within the clan's assigned range.