
Help Keywords : DROW 'DARK ELF' 'DARK ELVES'.
Help Category : Races.
Related Helps : Races.
Last Updated : 2009-10-23 00:50:38.
-[*]=--=]=--=[*]=--=[=--=[ AARDWOLF RACES ]=--=]=--=[*]=--=[=--=[*]- Drow are the most feared of all the elves. They live underground in great cities and practice the darker side of magic and combat. Since the drow spend most of their lives beneath the surface they are very vulnerable to bright lights, so much that a candle hurts their eyes and the sun can almost blind them. Because of this only the few drow that are able to withstand the burning rays of the sun chose to venture to the surface world.

                         STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON LUCK
Drow Start Stats : 12 14 13 14 12 13
Training Costs : +1 0 -1 -1 +1 0

Permanent Affects : Detect magic, Night vision.
Permanent Skills : None.

NOTE: Stats are very important on Aardwolf. See 'help train' and 'help

      raceinfo' for information on max stats and the training costs.