
Help Keywords : DIVA. Help Category : Races. Last Updated : 2010-04-09 17:06:39.

-[*]=--=]=--=[*]=--=[=--=[ AARDWOLF RACES ]=--=]=--=[*]=--=[=--=[*]- Although few know the true origins of the Diva, no one can deny the highly enchanted power of these expressions of nature. Created by the Earth Mother from the elements and essence of nature, Diva come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from the strength and magnificence of the Oak Diva, to the slender suppleness of the willow. They seek to protect and nurture the natural world, and react with wrath upon those who would desecrate it. Because of their close ties with nature, the Diva have the ability to sense the alignment of those they encounter, the ability to tame most wild animals and have extremely high constitution. As lovers of nature, they make excellent rangers. Their connection with the land provides protection from earth and slashing attacks, but they are vulnerable to fire and cold.

                        STR  INT  WIS  DEX  CON LUCK
Diva Start Stats : 11 15 12 14 15 19
Training Costs : 0 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1

Permanent Affects : Detect good, Detect evil. Permanent Skills : Tame.

NOTE: Stats are very important on Aardwolf. See 'help train' and 'help

      raceinfo' for information on max stats and the training costs.