Bugged Goal

Help Keywords : 'Bugged goal' 'Broken Goal'.
Help Category : Information.
Related Helps : Goal solving, Goals, Tasks, Activities.
Last Updated  : 2017-07-19 20:04:23.
Please note that goals are thoroughly tested on test port before they are
brought forward to main port. The goal you are currently attempting has
probably also been completed by multiple players. Type 'goals stats
<areaname>' to see how many times the goal has been completed (type
'goals stats Orlando' to see how many players have started/completed
this goal).

Also, if you type 'goals <goal name>', you can check the difficulty level
of your goal. If the goal is rated as difficult, it would be a good idea to
not attempt this goal until easy/medium goals have been completed. You can
type 'goals byrating' to obtain a sorted list of goals by difficulty. Start
with the easy goals, rated 1, and then work your way up to the 2s and 3s
on the list.

If you are completely stuck on a goal, take a break from it and try
another. Or try leveling, campaigning or questing for a while. Check out
'help activities' for more ideas. You can also try asking for help in
solving the goal on the question and answer channel, but try to keep a
positive outlook if no one replies to your question. Aardwolf does pride
itself on its helpful community of players, but a question about a random
task midway through a goal is usually not something that anyone can remember
how they completed (especially if they completed the goal a number of years

A break usually helps when it comes to being stuck on a goal. Don't worry,
the goal isn't going anywhere! You can remort and tier your character and
the task list will stay right where you left it. If you require an object
to continue in the goal, the required object will always be re-obtainable.