Bug List

Help Keywords : BugList Knownbugs.
Help Category : Miscellaneous.
Related Helps : Deadideas, Ideas.
Last Updated  : 2017-07-19 19:46:40.

The following is a list of bugs that are technically wrong but we are not
going to fix either because we like the side effect of the bug or the
effort to fix is just not worth it compared to other things the time
could be spent on. At the end of the list is the same list repeated with
more details where appropriate.

* Old Christmas cards got the 2014 upgrades.

* Rankings can appear out of order until they are resorted on the
  hourly update.

-----------------------  Detailed Descriptions ----------------------------

Christmas Cards: Christmas cards just store a number for which reward
they are, then the rewards are applied when you use them. Cards were
upgraded in 2014 but the reward numbers never changed so old cards get the
same upgrade. The card might, for example, say '5 practices' but when you
use it you are given 10.

(The green line above this being off by one character and one color
 is a 'known bug' purposely put in place to mess with your OCD. Go on,
 stare at it and rage.)

Skills Combat: When using 'affects', the 'combat' keyword is an option
to filter combat related spells which means it doesn't work correctly to
find 'combat mind' or other affects with 'combat' in the name. Will not be
fixed as there is usually a workaround such as 'aff mind'.

Rankings Order: Play stats in the rankings are usually updated
immediately. The sorting and ordering of the rankings can lag the mud
a little so only happens once an hour. During that hour, the output of
rankings can appear to be out of order.