
Help Keywords : Blindmode.
Help Category : Blind.
Related Helps : VImode.
Last Updated  : 2024-02-17 14:48:21.

Syntax:  blindmode 1 :  Allows players to find you when they use 'who
                        blind' or 'who vi'.
         blindmode 2 :  Silently flags you as a blind user (players will
                        not find you when they use 'who blind' or 'who
         who blind   :  Shows players who have flagged themselves as
                        blind (also works with 'who vi').

Setting blindmode to 1 means that other players can use 'who blind' or
'who vi' to find you. Setting it to 2 means it is private. To turn the
setting off, use 'blindmode 0'.

Many game commands will show simplified output when blindmode is enabled
and more commands are being converted each reboot.

Many room descriptions and other game output will also change. For players
who want to include ASCII art in their descriptions or in notes, please
consider using these new color codes:

@A ..... @E : Anything between @A and @E will not be shown to players
              with blindmode enabled.

@F ..... @H : Anything between @F and @H will only be shown to players
              with blindmode enabled.

You can use the codes to have ASCII art shown to visual players then a
description of the art shown to players with blindmode enabled.
