
 Help Keywords : Archery.
 Help Category : Attack Skill.
 Related Helps : Target, Shoot, Ranged-Tactics, Ready, Volley.
 Last Updated  : 2017-06-20 13:57:04.

 Archery is the skill that allows hunters to shoot using a bow and arrow.

 The full mechanics of archery are explained in 'help ready', 'help 
 target', and 'help shoot' but the short version is:

    * Acquire a bow (several are for sale in the Rangers guild).
    * Acquire some arrows (also for sale in the Rangers guild).
    * Identify a target; for example, 'target north bear'.
    * Ready your arrows; for example, 'ready quiver'.
    * Type 'shoot'.

 Using 'archery' simulates a round of combat from another room. Your skill 
 in  'archery' is combined with your 'bow' weapon skill to determine the 
 overall weapon skill in that round of combat. 

 There are several ways that archery can be used effectively - be sure to
 read 'help ranged-tactics' for some useful tips.
