
 Help Keywords : Alias.
 Help Category : Utility.
 Related Helps : WWW, Client Parsing.
 Last Updated  : 2017-06-19 20:05:13.


     Alias <one-word string> <command>  : Create an alias.
     Alias                              : List current aliases.
     Unalias <alias name>               : Remove an alias.


 Type 'alias' to get a list of all your aliases.
 Type 'alias <one-word string> <command>' to create a shortcut to a more
     lengthy or complex command.
 Type 'unalias <alias name>' to delete an alias.
 Type an alias name to use it.


 An alias is a user-created shortcut to replace lengthy, repeated commands 
 by a single word/string, in much the same fashion as most MUD clients do.  

 For example, if you 'alias eastgate run 2s7e', then any time you type
 'eastgate', you would run 2s7e from your current location.  

 Alias names can be up to 20 characters.  You can have up to 60 aliases.
 You can see all your current aliases by typing 'alias' by itself.  Using
 'unalias <alias name>' will delete an alias you no longer want.  If you simply
 want to replace an alias, just alias it again and the new command will
 overwrite the old alias.

 An alias can contain multiple commands separated by a semicolon. There are
 some limitations to aliases containing multiple commands:

 - Each command within the alias will be executed only as a MUD command, you
   cannot have an alias with multiple commands calling other aliases.

 - Any arguments after the alias when it's used will be ignored.

 - If 'runto' is used, it must be the first command in the alias or it will
   be executed out of order.

 There is also a video which shows alias help on Aardwolf:
