
 Help Keywords : Aardwolf.
 Help Category : Information.
 Related Helps : Newhelp, Contents.
 Last Updated  : 2017-06-19 00:08:19.
 Welcome to Aardwolf!

 This is a short help file to introduce you to the MUD and explain where 
 to go to find out certain things.

 Aardwolf was created back in the latter half of 1996 from the efforts of 
 a dedicated Imm staff. Designed to be everything that a MUD could be, 
 the current Imm team still works hard to bring as many improvements 
 to Aardwolf as possible.

 Aardwolf is primarily designed to be a very friendly MUD, with the 
 enjoyment of its players uppermost in the Imms' minds. To this end, you 
 can help by finding out what the rules are and adhering to them, as 
 everyone here is expected to treat everyone else with at least some 
 level of decorum. See <Help Rules>.

 If you have never MUD'ed before, there are people here that have 
 specifically been chosen for their ability to help new players. Known as 
 Helpers and Advisors, they will interact with you on the newbie channel
 (type 'newbie hello!'). In addition, you may find the Help file <Help 
 Newhelp> of some assistance.

 Aardwolf is a restricted Player Kill (PKILL) Mud, and 99% of PKILLING 
 on Aardwolf is harmless, with no death penalties. See <Help PKILL> and 
 <Help WarFare> for more details.

 All players are kept updated on the events of the MUD via the Board 
 system, which also allows discussion of ideas, general matters, clan 
 matters etc. Try <Help Board>.

 There are help files for almost all of the skills and spells in the 
 game, information can be obtained by typing <Help> by itself, or <Help 
 (subject matter)> or <Help Search (subject matter)> Again, never be 
 afraid to ask.

 Although the world of Aardwolf can be bewildering at first, it is worth
 the effort. The Immortals and players here are very proud of this 
 MUD. If you hang around, you'll see why.

 Lastly, to see some of the Updates and changes that have been made, try 
 <Help History>.

 We sincerely hope that you enjoy the time that you spend here, and make 
 it a place where others can do the same. :)

 The Imm Team.