
Creator: Redryn
Level Range: 200-201
(Note: This is a very high level area that requires a large group of powerful characters to complete. This area is a morgue area- unclanned/outcast players dying in this area will suffer usual death penalties but will wake in their morgue or the Aylorian Hospital with all of their equipment.)


Beyond the material realm, and behind the fabric of space and time is simply the Eternal Void. While a mere glimpse has been visible from within the extended Titans' Keep, the portal atop the Titans' crystal obelisk into the Void has frayed the edges of reality and blurred the boundary between the material and the Void.

Having stabilised their foothold on Andolor, the Titans have begun to plan their final masterstroke against their creators, the Elder Gods. Having tested and seen your mettle, the Titans' Commander has extended an open invitation to the heroes of the land to join them in a final campaign.

Be warned, for ordinary rules cease to apply the further one ventures away from the familiar and into the Abyss. Dare you brave the Void, explore the unknown, and challenge the Elder Gods?


Transcend limits and overthrow the Elder Gods. (Very Difficult)



Seek out the path to the Eternal Void, and transcend it.

External Links

Watchmen's Guide to Transcendence
Ba'al's Guide to Transcendence