
 Help Keywords : Zombify.
 Help Category : Attack Spell.
 Last Updated  : 2022-01-29 16:37:46.

 Syntax: cast 'zombify' <victim>
 Damage: Shadow.
 Spell Number: 563

 The necromancer spell 'zombify' can be used to corrupt the soul of
 mobs, effectively turning them undead. Once a mob has been zombified, the
 necromancer bonuses from spells such as strike undead, blast undead and
 necrocide will work against those targets. This spell does not work
 against players, clan guards or mobs already undead.

 The 'zombify' spell has no lag so that converting mobs to undead does not
 slow down regular combat, but it does have a small recovery.

 Spell available only to the Necromancer Psionicist Subclass.
