
Help Keywords : Zap.
Help Category : Equipment.
Related Helps : Brandish, Quaff, Recharge, Recite.
Last Updated  : 2012-08-27 17:11:39.
Syntax:  zap <target>

'zap' allows use of magical wands found within the game. To use a wand, you
must first hold the wand. Then you may zap your target. Your skill in wands 
will determine whether or not you use the wand successfully.

Note that certain spells can only be used from an object if you are a class
that can cast those spells. To check a specific spell, use 'showskill
<spellname>'. This command will show, among other things, if a spell is
restricted when on objects.  If you do not see a restriction, then the wand
is fine to use for everyone with the 'zap' skill.

Zap will use a single 'charge' off an object.  These are listed in the form
'object name [Total Charges / Current Charges]'.  Spells used from a wand
are always cast at 100% strength (see 'help spell').